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Year 3 Literacy and Maths Planning

Year 3 Literacy and Maths Planning

Gathered my lessons for year 3 together. Mainly Literacy and Maths plus bits and bobs. In the zip you find the lot. Included some examples in general upload. Sample planning : Introduction Explain will be looking at different ways of writing poetry using special words and shapes as stimulus. ‘calligram’ means beautiful writing. Show examples. S&L Children discuss with response partner why they think words are presented in these ways. Teacher draw children back together. After discussion, ask children to choose most effective calligram, justifying choice. Draw out understanding that the meaning of words inspires the shapes in a calligram. Teacher demonstrate use of ICT programs to produce calligrams and own drawing as alternative. Draw up a list of suitable words for choices. Word/Sentence Activities Use IWB store range of suitable words for calligrams. Can children classify word types: nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. YEAR 3 LITERACY LESSON PLAN 16th Monday Whole Class Shared Learning Before reading; ask the children what they think ‘Autumn’ poem will look like. Show poem. Ask them to decide where you should begin reading and then read the poem. Read two more examples of shape poems. Add appropriate actions. Class repeat. S&L Encourage the children to say how similar and different the three poems are. Invite them to say which poem is most effective visually. Which poem do they prefer? Discuss why the poets have chosen these shapes, and how the shape affects the content of the poems. Practice with RP saying preferred poem aloud. Word/Sentence Activities Rehearse spellings for Word Wall words. Challenge children to find other words with same phonemes
Year 4 Literacy and Maths Planning

Year 4 Literacy and Maths Planning

Gathered together my planning for year 4. Mainly Literacy and Maths. Spread over a number of years. You get 690 files. The zip has the lot. I’ve put some in the general download to give yoiu a flavour. Sample planning : Explain to chn that this work for this unit will be based on stories set in imaginary worlds. The Borrowers by Mary Norton is set in a miniature world under the floorboards in an old house. Have chn read any other books (or seen films) set in imaginary worlds, eg Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, etc. These are fantasy settings that authors have created in their minds, as maps or as drawings, etc. Tolkien drew maps for The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings, Mary Norton used small everyday objects as furniture and tools, and J K Rowling had the idea for Harry Potter when on a long & boring train journey. Read 2 versions of the same setting one without some details, description & adjectives and the other in full. After the first reading ask chn if they can picture the classroom clearly in their heads, then ask the same question after the full extract and compare answers. How is the light described? Dim & crimson. How would the atmosphere in the room change if the adjectives used were yellow and bright? Word sentence level Remind chn that an adjective is a word that describes somebody/thing. They come before nouns or after verbs such as: be, get, seem, look, eg the frail old woman or she looked old and frail. Overuse of adjectives is as bad as not using any! Show class a passage which adjectives could be removed from this passage? Which are most effective adjectives to be left in the passage?
Year 6 Literacy Plans Autumn Spring Summer Sats Revision Weeks Road Dahl

Year 6 Literacy Plans Autumn Spring Summer Sats Revision Weeks Road Dahl

Planning for the year. Literacy Year 6 I particularly like the 4 week sats revision block. Zip file contains loads. sample planning ; Full range of punctuation used accurately to demarcate sentences, including speech punctuation • Syntax and punctuation within the sentence generally accurate including commas to mark clauses. To revise and produce a piece of journalistic writing. Revise formal & persuasive writing. Whole Class Shared Learning Explain that the next four weeks are important revision sessions. Define the word ‘revision’ and display on the working wall. In their new groups, children to define the following words, definitions on post it notes: Journalist Communication Bias Balanced Come back together and discuss, agree definitions. Would we find journalistic writing anywhere else other than in a newspaper report? Recap that we may find it in magazines or journals as well as scripts for radio and TV news broadcasts. How does journalistic writing differ from ‘personal’ writing? Formal tone, 3rd person, balanced, in journalistic writing a person puts the main points in the first sentence of the first paragraph – what will grab a person’s attention. This is followed by the rest of the details and written so that the article can easily be edited from the bottom up, if the article needs shortening. Sources are mentioned within the text and sentences and paragraphs can be short. Read the ‘Total Eclipse’ article from Essential Non-fiction and discuss. Draw out the 5 Ws. Now read ‘Packaging: The Big Cover Up’ also from Essential non-fiction. Activity One Come back together and discuss activity. What did the children find about the two articles? What are the similarities? Differences? How have the writers used language to report/persuade?
Literacy Year 5 or 6 Stories from Other Countries 3 Weeks Planning Ahmed's Secret  Heide

Literacy Year 5 or 6 Stories from Other Countries 3 Weeks Planning Ahmed's Secret Heide

Great planning for year 5. Plenty to keep you going for three solid weeks. Powerpoints, planning, worksheets etc etc The zip has the lot. I have put up some on the ordinary download so you can look. Sample planning : Genre: Narrative Unit 3 – ‘Stories from other cultures’ Focus Texts: ‘Abela’ by Berlie Doherty (class reader), ‘The day of Ahmed’s secret’ by Florence Parry Heide, ‘Stories from around the world’ Usborne books. Objectives Primary Framework Phase 1 • Create roles showing how behaviour can be interpreted from different viewpoints • Know and apply common spelling rules • Infer writers’ perspectives from what is written and from what is implied • Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured • Experiment with different narrative form and styles to write their own stories Adapt sentence construction to different text-types, purposes and readers Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes. Learning/Writing outcome for unit: Write a story from a different character’s point of view. Reflect on writing critically and edit it against success criteria. LO: Whole Class Shared Learning Guided and Independent Activities: Plenary: M Understand and use the word ‘culture’. Begin to recognise the features of a story from another culture. Show the words ‘narrative’ and ‘fiction’. Children to TTYP and talk about what they mean. Come back together and elicit that they are words for ‘story’. We are going to be studying a narrative unit for two weeks. Briefly recap the five structural features of a story. What types of stories have we studied so far? (Myths, legends and stories by a significant author). Show the word ‘culture’. Children to TTYP and discuss. Come back together and explain that a culture refers to “the attitudes and behaviour that are characteristic of a particular social group.” Emphasise that we are not necessarily talking about different religions or even other countries – there are a lot of different cultures even within one country. Lead to class discussion. Provide children with copies of ‘The Day of Ahmed’s Secret’ – explain that this story is from Africa. Ahmed lives in a city called Cairo – the capital of Egypt. Show on a map. Have we heard anything about Cairo in the news recently? Read half of the story and then challenge children to discuss on their tables: The features of the story. Their predictions about Ahmed’s secret. Come back together, read the rest of the story and discuss. How is Ahmed’s life different from your lives? In his culture it is perfectly normal for children to be working very hard and taking over the family business from his Father. What does his pride at being able to write his own name suggest about his level of education? About his place in society? Create a working wall list of features to include: Capital letters used at the start of each sentence and full stops at the end.
back to School Year 4 Literacy and Numeracy Planning Plus Humanities ICT

back to School Year 4 Literacy and Numeracy Planning Plus Humanities ICT

Plans for lessons in English and Maths/ Plenty to choose from. You may wish to merge a few together in your own lesson planning. Cut and paste and ease your planning load. Plus a bit of things like RE, ICT and Geograpghy. The zip file has the lot. I’ve included some in the general download to give you a flavour. sample : L.O. To read stories about other cultures and identify differences in place and customs. Explain to the chn that today we are going to continue to look/share stories from a different culture. Can they find clues that will help them to work out what country/culture the stories are about? Read an extract from ‘Gregory Cool’ [up to when Gregory stomps off on the beach] without showing the chn the cover or title. Where is it set? When? Through whose eyes is the story told? Mood? H/A • Give chn a copy of the text for the first part of the book. Chn to discuss in groups and write each clue they find onto a separate slip of paper e.g. his cousin had to look after the goats. • Ext. Are there any details e.g. characters’ feelings which seem familiar? • Each group to be given an opportunity to present their findings to the class and state where they think the story is set • A.R. to support Milne group Show chn the cover of the book and read to end of story. Where is Tobago? Look at map. Do the chn know anything about the Caribbean? M/A Success Criteria • To read stories about other cultures and be able to identify differences in place and customs.
Back to School Year 3 Planning Literacy plus Maths R.E. History P.E. Geography

Back to School Year 3 Planning Literacy plus Maths R.E. History P.E. Geography

Spread out over the three terms, some nice lesson planning, worksheets, powerpoints. It concentrates on Literacy but there is far more. Numeracy, linked to the Abacus system, is useful even if you do noit have abacus. Just condense and adapt them You get a chunk of Science RE PE Soda activities Geography I’ve also included some nice year 2 stuff that you can use. The zip file has the lot. I’ve included a few examples in the ordinary download. Sample : Introduction Recap idea of creating atmosphere in setting: happy, calm, peaceful, angry, afraid, busy etc. Read ‘Mousehole Cat’ extract. S&L Children discuss with response partner first impressions about the setting and the atmosphere. Which senses have been used in the description? Activity Create list of settings the children are most familiar with in their own lives:home, school, playground, seaside, countryside, park etc. Teacher model writing powerful descriptive sentence. Make changes, improve, edit etc. Word/Sentence Activities (see groups)Use IWB store ideas. Can children classify word types: nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. YEAR 3 LITERACY LESSON PLAN TUESDAY Whole Class Shared Learning Introduction Read opening extract ‘The Mousehole Cat’. Ask the children if they think the atmosphere is calm, threatening, angry or peaceful. Display the text and highlight the words and phrases that give a) a threatening feeling and b) a calm feeling, using different colours. Activity Children work with a partner and plan a short mime of this scene from The Mousehole Cat. One child takes the role of The Great Storm Cat and the other the role of Mowzer. Show characters’ feelings through mime. Explain going to change atmosphere to a calm one. How? The Great Storm Cat is a metaphor for the wind. Explain term and revise simile also. Model own sentence, discuss effect and technique. Word/Sentence Activities Challenge children to find words for the Dustbin and Wow areas from the text. Guided and Independent Activities Work with a partner and discuss an event. It might be something Charlie sees happening, or does himself. Independent Group to start After Activity Decide on a problem for Charlie to solve, and write it down. Work with a partner and discuss an event. It might be something Charlie sees happening, or does himself. Teacher to start After Activity Decide on a problem for Charlie to solve, and write it down. Work with group and discuss an event. It might be something Charlie sees happening, or does himself. AR (TA) Support Group After Activity As a group decide on a problem for Charlie to solve, and write it down.
Back to School Autumn 1 Year 6 Full Planning English Maths Geography R.E.

Back to School Autumn 1 Year 6 Full Planning English Maths Geography R.E.

Give yourself a break. Help yourself to plans that you can adapt and free up your Sundays. For year 6, first half Autumn term. Planning for : English Maths Geography Homework P.E. Reading Science SODA Zip has the lot. I’ve put sample ones in ordinary download. sample : Main input:Main Teaching 1 10 minutes (10.50am – 11am) Share LO and S/C. TTYP – why do authors use descriptive vocabulary? Take feedback and jot down ideas for the working wall – elicit the idea that, as a writer, it is our job to create an image in the reader’s mind. Show the part of ‘Matilda’ where the main character approaches Crunchem Hall for the first time. 22 min 30 to 24 min 30. Take part in ‘Book Talk’ on this visual text: How did we feel about Matilda when we watched her walk into the school under the arch? How did we feel about the school buildings and environment? What impressions have we made about Miss Trunchbull? How were we made to feel like that? How did the director manipulate our emotions? Show the ‘Likes, dislikes, patterns and puzzles’ board and explain the task . Task 1 11am-11.10am Engaging with the visual text. A – Australia group (Level 3a/4c): Children to fill in an individual ‘like/dislikes’ board. Children to focus particularly on the ‘patterns and puzzles’ sections. Working independently. Extension task – children to annotate a still from the film with adjectives to describe the setting. BA – Brazil group (Level 3b/c): TA to support and extend. Children to fill in an individual ‘like/dislikes’ board. SEN/BA – Mexico group (Level 2): Working with teacher on a guided like/dislikes board. Extending children to talking about the atmosphere. Main Teaching 2 10 minutes (11.10am – 11.20am) Share some ideas from the task and explain that now we are fully immersed in the text, we are going to start to transfer the clip into a written text. TTYP – what does ‘atmosphere’ mean? Talk and agree that it means: a feeling or mood created by a particular place. I am going to attempt to describe the setting AND the atmosphere to the reader. I am going to write in third person and past tense. Elicit the use of the senses for a setting description. Model write with reference to s/c and sentence trick cards.
Short Term Literacy Lesson Plans Year 5 Autumn Spring Summer Terms

Short Term Literacy Lesson Plans Year 5 Autumn Spring Summer Terms

Some great short but punchy Literacy lesson plans. Spread throughout the terms. Example : Synonyms to describe the soldier WALT: explore the main ideas of a text WILF: I know what the important points in a text are. I can explain my ideas about a character. I can find relevant information in a text. Recap on the story. Was it fair for the soldier to kill the witch? What type of characters are the soldier and witch? Explain your ideas. Shared read an alternative version of the tinderbox. Discuss what the main points of the text are. Children to highlight what they think are important points and explain why they think this. CT to introduce tasks and explain their roles. Task: Children to work in mixed ability groups with each given a role. 1. Draw an image of a main character. 2. Record the thoughts and feelings of the character using information from the text. 3. Identify the main points of the text so far. 4. Summarise the key points of the story. Read through to page 10. What do you think might happen next? How will the soldier spend his money? Group 1 CT to read the text with the children and discuss the key information and supplementary information. CT to check children’s understanding of the text. Task: Children to debate whether the soldier committed murder or not. Punctuation- recap over .,!? WALT: create dialogue between characters WILF: Correct use of speech punctuation Use of adverbial phrases to extend sentences Ability to use tone, gestures and expression to convey a characters mood. Read the tinderbox to the page when the villagers are discussing the soldier’s new money and desire to meet the princess. Highlight the speech punctuation and discuss what the rules for speech are. CT to model examples. Task: Children in pairs to create a short dialogue that they can act out for the class. Children must use references to the text and expression, gestures and tone to convey the characters viewpoint. Read the line ‘I really want to see her’ – why is this in italics? What do you think the soldier will do to see the princess? Group 4 CT to support the children to use correct speech punctuation and adverbials to extend ideas.
Year's Planning Year 6  Literacy and Maths Excellent Academy

Year's Planning Year 6 Literacy and Maths Excellent Academy

This concentrates on Maths and English. Lots of great teaching ideas. Mainly Maths and English. The zip file has the lot. I have put some in the general download to give a flavour. sample planning : LO: To use written methods of addition. Review written methods of addition carried from Friday’s lesson (column, number line and partitioning. Use numbers with up to 4 digits during teaching time. Review how to use written methods and inverse knowledge to identify missing digits within calculations. Move on to solving simple word problems by choosing the most appropriate methods for task. AG: Supports Circles during teaching time. RM: Abacus Y1 page LO: To use written methods of subtraction. Give the children the following calculation 98 – 47. How many different ways can they carry out this calculation? Focus on methodology used by class. As a class ensure understanding of the following methods, number line, partitioning and column. What happens with column subtraction if the calculation was 96 – 47? Model decomposition. What happens when we work with decimal numbers? Model the use of decomposition several times. Children to carry out a range of calculations – AG: Supports Circles during teaching time. RM: Abacus Y1 page LO: To use written methods of subtraction. Review subtraction calculations for number lines and column methods involving amounts of money. Ensure children are familiar with decomposition and have time to review as needed. Apply within calculations that involve single and multiple decomposition. APPLY TO WORD PROBLEMS RM: LO: To use written methods of multiplication. As before, review methods of multiplication with the class. Focus on the use of grid methods and compact methods to carry out calculations. MUST: Multiply TU x U SHOULD: Multiply HTU x U CHALLENGE: Multiply (H)TU x TU LO: To identify sequence rules. Review knowledge of sequences and rule identification with the class. Explore how sequences can involve numbers, shapes and letters. Children to continue sequences. When exploring number sequences, make link to times table groups. E.g. 3, 6, 9, 12… Next number is… Focus on continuing and completing sequences, by identifying the difference between known numbers and using this to identify missing values. AG: Supports circles / RM: Completes sequences involving shapes or colours. INDEPENDENT
Year 5 Year's Planning Maths English Humanities subjects Especially R.E.

Year 5 Year's Planning Maths English Humanities subjects Especially R.E.

A big value set of planning. For year 5. Loads of material here. Planning, worksheets, powerpoints etc Give your planning a real boost. Excellent for filling in gaps in the curriculum and making your Sundays easier. Concentrates on Maths and English, but plenty of other subjects, especially R.E. in there. The zip contains loads of files. I’ve included a FEW in the general upload to give you and idea of the planning.
Year 4 Year's Planning Maths English Humanities subjects Especially R.E.

Year 4 Year's Planning Maths English Humanities subjects Especially R.E.

A big value set of planning. For year 4. Loads of material here. Give your planning a real boost. Excellent for filling in gaps in the curriculum and making your Sundays easier. Concentrates on Maths and English, but plenty of other subjects, especially R.E. in there. The zip contains loads of files. I’ve included a FEW in the general upload to give you and idea of the planning.
Back to School Holes Louis Sacher Teaching Plans 5 Weeks Literacy Year 6

Back to School Holes Louis Sacher Teaching Plans 5 Weeks Literacy Year 6

Great planning for Louis Sacher’s intriguing book Holes. 5 week’s short plans. Plus great stuff on getting pupils to construct aruments. Two terrific pdfs. Sample planning : Spelling rules. Modifying e. Cope … coping. In pairs write short speech for debate. Shared write persuasive language list. What connectives could be used to link ideas? What about repetition? WALT: organize views in a debate about homework. Debate “Should primary children have homework? All pairs to speak. Comment and question speakers. LA: TB to list points and useful language. HA: to lead arguments Add title paragraphs in example argument about Dogs in Parks. Review plan. Recap form. Read introduction through. Suggest strong openers for sentences and useful connective phrases from chart. Indiv write points for homework in Primary Schools. Paragraph – consider openings. WALT: write a balanced argument in a formal style. Mr Pratt Synonym Circus Recap plan and bullet points. Consider possible connectives to link to opposite view. (e.g. nevertheless) • All write points against - anticipating possible objections homework to balance argument. Use paragraphs and strong openers. Find passive voice in examples. Read example formal discussion regarding homework. Identify language. Useful terms. WALT: Write a formal letter of complaint. All children write complaining letter about a visit to a restaurant. LA: provide opening. Vocab list for feelings and connectives. Example balanced arguments. • the expression, sequence and linking of points • the provision of persuasive examples, illustrations and evidence • pre-empting or answering potential objections • appealing to the known views and feelings of the audience; T16 identify the features of balanced written arguments which: • summarise different sides of an argument • clarify the strengths and weaknesses of different positions • signal personal opinion clearly; T18 construct effective arguments: • developing a point logically and effectively • supporting and illustrating points persuasively • anticipating possible objections • harnessing the known views, interests and feelings of the audience • tailoring the writing to formal presentation where appropriate; T19 write a balanced report of a controversial issue: • summarising fairly the competing views • analysing strengths and weaknesses of different positions.
Back to School Autumn PlanningThere's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom  Louis Sachar

Back to School Autumn PlanningThere's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom Louis Sachar

Some great planning on this excellent book. Worked a treat in year 4 but could be adapted up or down. Sample planning : Reading and Analysis Mon Revise comma splicing work. Choose three example sentences and punctuation to add. WALT: To be able to explore themes and issues in a text, To be able to write in role to a character in the text. Read extract showing Jeff changing. Note reactions at each point. (Reveal) How is Jeff feeling? How do we know? How does Bradley feel now? Write an e-mail to Jeff using Extranet site. Advise him what to do based on events in chapter. Informal. Consider purpose. Share received e-mails. How should Jeff respond. AF6 Wr Viewpoint of character RED CT to support sentences and encourage completion. Tues Consider e-mails and identify errors to correct. Check grammar and punctuation. Who is the audience? APP AF3 reading WALT make deductions from a text. Read ch 23-25. WALT: interpret evidence to make deductions. All draw outline of Bradley showing his bad outside and his good inside. Write diary entry on behalf of Bradley showing feelings about Carla. R AF3 make deductions. Children are to show and explain there own choices and justify decisions. GREEN Support sentence skills and grammar. Wed Recap word groups with examples of each in class. E.g. adverb and adjective. Improve using a thesaurus. Read next chapter to include list Bradley makes. What does it show us about him? Be imaginative. AF3 R How is it helping him to think? Why does he repeat some things? Create your own list in the style of Bradley. Check spellings and compare with a friend. What does it show about you? WALT: Show empathy for a character. Read and interpret lists as if you were Carla. What would she say? ORANGE Support use of dictionary and thesaurus for ideas. Thurs Grammar skills. Choose correct words to complete gap. Adjectives. Shared read next chapter with Bradley changing. How does he feel? Freeze frame alongside story telling. How does each character feel? Use outline of Bradley. Show goodness inside and badness outside. Use quotes and examples from the text. WALT: select evidence to support a view VERY WELL DONE! Share thought with a partner and with the class. Yellow Share quotes. What do they show about his character? Fri List prepositions. Sort into order then create a paragraph. Teacher to model. Big Writing: SATs test example. Through the door. Apply skills of descriptions using prepositions. Planning time using boxing for paragraphs. AF1 AF7 Wr WALT: write a description of a scary place. 3 Stars and a wish. Response partners. Blue: Extend ambitious vocabulary. Tell me what you think/felt about… What came into your mind when you read… Have you come across anything like this before….? Tell me more… Do you agree…?
Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman

Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman

Great 4 weeks planning for this Literacy topic. Really nice powerpoints. Plus free bonus. Plenty of argument planning using Olympics. Example planning :  Identify and discuss the various features of a fiction text, including characters, settings, themes and dilemmas, the author’s intentions, the structure and organisation of the text and the way language is used to create effects on the reader. Speaking  Use the techniques of dialogic talk to explore ideas, topics or issues. Creating and shaping texts  Set their own challenges to extend achievement & experience in writing. Understanding and interpreting texts  Understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact. Text structure and organisation  Use varied structures to shape and organise text coherently Sentence structure and punctuation  Express subtle distinctions of meaning, including hypothesis, speculation and supposition, by constructing sentences in varied ways  Use punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences To produce several pieces of writing based around the focus text. To learn and identify the features of a formal/impersonal text and comment on occasions where this may be necessary. To produce a formal letter, speech and broadcast using appropriate form, features and content. Remind children of last week’s immersion into the focus text. TTYP – what did you think of the text? If you could talk to the author, what would you say to him? Ask him? Display a ‘Likes/Dislikes/Patterns/Questions’ board on the whiteboard. Explain that we are going to focus on the ‘patterns’ section today. Re-read the last few pages of the book and add ‘false endings’ to the patterns section. Have some photocopied pages from the book in the centre of the tables (each table to have different pages). Give groups ten minutes to note any patterns they see on whiteboards. Come back together and note on the board to include: False endings. Simile Lucy asking her Mother, Father and brother for advice, always in that order. Adjectives for the noises she hears. Alliteration and onomatopoeia. Phrase “You know what they say…” Appearance of pig puppet. What effect do these patterns have on the reader? They give the text fluency, a rhythm almost like a poem. They make the text easier to read and digest. The repetition also mimics the repetition of Lucy’s pleas to her family to listen to her about the noises. They make the reader frustrated on Lucy’s behalf. Have one child write a definition of ‘atmosphere’ on a sentence strip for the working wall. A general feeling or mood. There are a few different atmospheres in this book. Discuss. List tension, frustration, relief etc on the board.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  Planning Roald Dahl Literacy

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Planning Roald Dahl Literacy

Three weeks great planning. Don’t expect lessons on Charlie. It’s report writing in English using Charlie with powerpoints etc Great powerpoints Zip file has more. I’ve put some example stuff on to give you a flavour. Introduce the new unit and read the writing outcome with the children. Complete a skills audit verbally. TTYP – what skills do you already have that will help you to achieve the outcome? What skills do you think you will need to revise? Are there any completely new skills you will need? Introduce the focus text. We know a lot about Roald Dahl from our biography unit. Has anyone ever read ‘Charlie…’? Seen the films? Explain that we need to know the story line and the characters, so we are going to spend today’s lesson using the 2005 film as a visual text. The rest of the week will be spent comparing the visual text to the written text and completing various activities and pieces of writing. Become familiar with the story by using a visual text. Use both visual and written texts to analyse character and setting descriptions. Finish any of the DVD which we didn’t finish yesterday. Use the written text to read the character descriptions of Charlie, his parents, grandparents and the four other winners of golden tickets. Activity One Come back together, discuss and put information on working wall. Repeat with setting descriptions. Look at a still of Charlie’s house from the film and read the setting description for it. Look at the still from the ‘meadow’ in the chocolate factory and read the description on pages 87-90. Activity Two Revise features of journalistic writing. Compose a newspaper article using the correct form and language. Working in pairs, children to sketch a story mountain onto a whiteboard. Children to then summarise ‘Charlie…’ using one or two sentences for each section of the mountain. Come back together and discuss. Read chapter five of the text. What main event is happening? The announcement of the golden ticket competition. Watch 14:28 – 15:44 – how does the film embellish the details given in the book? Explain today’s task, you are a senior news reporter for the ‘International Herald’ a newspaper which is published in many different countries, many different languages all over the world. Your editor has asked you to write a newspaper article about this event. Your report will be published the day after Willy Wonka’s signs went up. You will be reporting on the competition, the prizes and the mania sweeping the world. TTYP – what are main features of a journalistic piece of writing? Come back together and list for the working wall: Headline, paragraphs, subheadings, quotations, orientation, 5 ws, past tense, direct, formal, balanced etc. Brainstorm some headlines for our article. List the 5 Ws on the working wall. Give each child a checklist and an inverted pyramid.
Back to School Year 6 Complete Year's Planning Literacy Roald Dahl

Back to School Year 6 Complete Year's Planning Literacy Roald Dahl

A great set of planning. Three terms. Loads of planning and powerpoints and great topics. Zip file has the lot. I’ve put some sample ones in the general load so you can look. Includes : Biography and Autobiography Cross curricular history & literacy Fiction Genres Roald Dahl Poetry Journalistic and persuasive Sample :
Years 1 to 4 Complete Year's Religious Studies R.E. Planning

Years 1 to 4 Complete Year's Religious Studies R.E. Planning

For all years 1 to 4 complete planning all terms. Easily adaptable up or down, so will save you hours. Catholic in flavour but other religions included. Contains powerpoints, planning, worksheets, info etc. Why not look at the bundles. Incredible value and it’ll save your precious Sundays. Ideal if you have been chosen to deliver R.E. N.B. You will need to spend some time organising as I am retired. Also not a great deal of year 2 stuff. If you want superorganised stuff, please look at my RE powerpoint stuff, sample planning : Learning and growing as the People of God: Short-term Planning Unit I – Easter Most children will know that the four Gospels contain accounts of the Resurrection of Christ. They will be able to understand the transforming effect this had upon the disciples. The children will know that the Ascension reminds Christians of the promise of Christ to remain always with them. Less able children will be able to recall parts of the Resurrection story from some of the Gospels. More able children will have a greater understanding of the importance of the Resurrection for Christians today and of their belief in the presence of Christ in the Church and in their lives. Start date: Finish Date Additional details including groupings, differentiation Vocabulary and Key Questions Resources Prayer Revise with children previous learning about the Church’s celebration of Easter. Recall that it is a season of fifty days and revise some of the colours and symbols of the season that are used in the Church’s liturgy. Activity: In groups - give children the colours and the symbols to match. White Easter light innocence purity joy triumph glory Red Feasts of the Lord’s Passion, Blood and Cross the Passion blood fire God’s Love martyrdom Palm Sunday Purple Good Friday penance humility melancholy Gold Easter joy Children to read one of the four Gospel accounts of the Resurrection: Matthew 28: 1-15, Mark 16: 1-17, Luke 24: 1-43, John 20: 1-21 Group Activity: Must - Highlight the words and actions of the disciples and the women and the words and actions of Jesus. Should/Could -Create a resurrection appearance table. Include in the headings: What the disciples were doing, what they saw, and what Jesus said and did. (Use the above Gospel accounts to fill in the table). Plenary: Children to imagine that they are about to meet somebody who had never heard of Jesus before. What would they tell this person about the resurrection? What would be the most important information that they would need to pass on? What were the words and actions of ____ at the resurrection of Christ? Markers Remind the children that prayer time is an important opportunity for us to recognise the presence of Jesus in our lives. Provide moments for silent prayer. Use music and appropriate Easter focus, Use the Resurrection and Ascension stories during Collective Worship. Other links/Homework
Grammar Teaching Materials Powerpoints Teaching Materials Worksheets

Grammar Teaching Materials Powerpoints Teaching Materials Worksheets

Gathered together all my Grammar teaching materials from Primary school. The zip contains them all. Over 170 mb of stuff. I’ve included a few examples in the ordinary upload so you can look. sample: Start by reviewing homework and making a list for the working wall. Define each type of word: Noun, adjective, verb and adverb. Build up a sentence as we go. Show the children a picture on the whiteboard of a horse galloping and of a lightning bolt. Children to write down 3 (LA) or 5(MA and HA) important nouns from the picture. Share. On the left of the noun, children to write an adjective to modify or describe the noun. Share. After the noun, children to write a verb and then an adverb to qualify the verb. e.g. The black horse galloped elegantly along the beach. Children to have 5 minutes to read and digest their new writing target. Ask any questions if necessary. Praise the children on yesterday’s literacy work – they showed knowledge of the function of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs (HA showed knowledge of the difference between common, proper and pro nouns). Children to name a range of punctuation – I record on the board (I do not add to it at this point). Ask volunteers to illustrate uses of the punctuation named. Look on the punctuation pyramid – have we named any L5 punctuation? This is what we should be aiming at all the time. Children to have a variety of sentences to up level punctuation on their whiteboards. Come back to ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick’. Read through all of the captions and talk about ‘reading’ the illustration. Allow children time to talk about the ‘mystery’ – what do they think happened to Harris Burdick? Choose a picture from ‘The Mysteries…’ and list all of the questions which it provokes. What do children think of the pictures? Do the captions answer any of the questions? Talk about the settings in the pictures – often they are recognisable, familiar settings where things are not as they seem. Explain that we would call this ‘Stories in a familiar setting’. Model the task.